NSBA is proud to announce that Made N The Shade, owned by Natasha Blanchard of Lumberton, Texas is the 2017 Horse of the Year. This prestigious award is based on NSBA participation, show record and points earned in a year. .
On his way to multiple championships throughout the year, Natasha Blanchard and trainers Rusty and Katie Green showed 'Mikey' in Western Pleasure events earning $40,560.99 and 78 points in NSBA competition.
NSBA congratulates Natasha Blanchard and Rusty and Katie Green on their success and being named the Horse of the Year.
About NSBA
Established in 1983, the National Snaffle Bit Association has expanded from its roots of the pleasure horse to recognize various disciplines and eight breed associations in competition. NSBA's programs uphold keeping the welfare of the horse as the primary consideration in all activities and encourage the use of standard rules for holding and judging events.
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