Champion Fund
Championing The Cause
Most NSBA members are familiar with the core programs that the Foundation provides—support of Equestrians With Disabilities, Education, and Animal Welfare. As a donor to the NSBA Foundation, you have the opportunity to designate your contributions to any of these specific programs, providing what is known as “restricted funds” that are provided to one program specifically.
However, the Champion Fund allows your donations to benefit the general good of the Foundation. Many of the programs that our membership knows and loves were born out of this funding.
“This fund allows the Foundation to try new programs and events that may grow into a larger part of our services,” explains Foundation Director Lynn Campbell. “Although the ongoing programs of the Foundation’s core will always be our priority, donations to the Champion Fund are unrestricted funds that allow the Foundation to not only pay for its staff and day-to-day expenses, but also grow new ideas, serving as an incubator of new programs.”
Through the diversity of experience on the NSBA Foundation’s board of directors and the innovation made possible by donations that are designated as unrestricted funds, the Foundation is well-equipped to meet the ever-changing needs of the horse industry. The NSBA Foundation asks you to consider assisting in meeting the ongoing needs of the equine community by making a donation to a specific program or the Champion Fund.
Seeds For Progress
The Coaches Summit, Tomorrows Horsemen, Youth of the Year and even the Foundation’s trademark, #CowboyCourage, are all examples of programs that began as an idea curated and funded by our members’ contributions to the Champion Fund.

Coaches Summit
Educating professionals on the value and inclusion of competition for Equestrians with Disabilities
Learn more
Tomorrows Horsemen
Transforming emerging trainers into knowledgeable business professionals
Learn more