Bringing a World Champion Experience to 90 Riders
What We Do
The NSBA Foundation provides support for riders participating in the Equestrians With Disabilities, and the Veteran Heroes on Horses programs, by assisting in funding their World Championship Experience. Each year, the Foundation works toward their goal of obtaining grants for ninety Equestrians With Disabilities and Heroes on Horses exhibitors.
Why We Do It
Sponsoring a rider is not only about financial support, it is also about the smile that a rider exudes after completing their very first trail pattern or successfully showing in a competition without assistance, the moment a rider hears their name called for the first time and the community of support and encouragement that results anytime these riders come together.
A single tax-deductible donation can create a real difference, one EWD or HOH exhibitor at a time. The ability to attend the NSBA World Championship Show offers the chance for these riders to shine on an level playing field. Each rider has a unique story, but one thing that remains constant, is the love and affection we all share for the horse and the competition that brings us all together.
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Donations can be completed in just a few minutes, using our online form or by downloading the PDF version below. The cost to sponsor one rider is $650. The NSBA Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization and all donations are tax-deductible. Help us raise funds in the 2024 Sponsor A Rider Campaign!
Sponsoring A Rider Makes Dreams Come True
Donate TodayPDF FormTestimonials
The recipients of the Sponsor A Rider grants have a lot to say about how their experiences at the NSBA World Championship show can impact their lives, their community and their well-being.
Becca Rakow | Equestrians With Disabilities
"The NSBA World Show in Tulsa is my absolute favorite show, and my participation would not be possible without this assistance. This show provides me freedom in another world, a world where the horse levels all the playing fields. As an EWD competitor, there are not many chances for us to showcase our skills and abilities, but thanks to NSBA & the NSBA Foundation, that’s slowly changing. We can come to shows like this and work with our horses and coaches to show the world that we are capable of so much more than what the outside world believes. All we need, like anyone else, is to be given a fair chance to showcase our abilities. We also have the opportunity to learn from so many other EWD and able-bodied riders from across the country as well as judges, other coaches, and trainers when we are not in the ring competing. Watching others and their horses also helps us learn new and exciting skills. "
Robert McKenzie | Equestrians With Disabilities Parent
"The NSBA Foundation assistance has allowed [my son] the opportunity to attend the NSBA World Championship Show for several years and he always enjoys seeing his friends from other centers and competing in the show events. We are very appreciative of the generous continued support from the NSBA Foundation along with your corporate and individual sponsors that provide the funding to make the financial assistance possible for this grant. With the many other expenses associated with showing, the NSBA Foundation grant allows us to continue to attend and participate. Thank you all for all you have done in the past and all your work to continue to provide support for stalls, classes and awards. Looking forward to seeing everyone again in August!"
Amy Bentler | Equestrians With Disabilities
"Due to the financial hardship it would be difficult for me to attend the NSBA World Show without the financial assistance. Riding is my one true passion and my only extracurricular activity. The personal growth and confidence achieved through the Equestrians With Disabilities riding program has been invaluable. It is through Equestrians With Disabilities competition training that I have worked the hardest to improve my riding skills and where I have made my dearest friends and the feeling of a second family. The support from the NSBA provides Equestrians With Disabilities like myself a platform to display our skills in a competitive environment that we cannot otherwise experience."