National Snaffle Bit Association
Recognized Breed Associations

American Buckskin Registry Association
Since 1965 the mission of the American Buckskin Registry Association has been to collect, record and preserve the pedigrees of buckskin, dun, red dun and grulla horses, and ponies and horses of all breeds are eligible. Even horses with an unknown pedigree may be registered according to their color eligibility alone. In 2017 the Buckskin Bred Program was launched, and a registry was added for the non-colored offspring of a dun/buckskin parent. Classes were added at both the world show and club level giving those horses a place to shine in their own light.

American Paint Horse Association
We promote, preserve and provide meaningful experiences with Paint Horses.

American Quarter Horse Association
The American Quarter Horse Association, located in Amarillo, Texas, is the world’s largest equine breed registry and membership organization. AQHA members share a passion for the American Quarter Horse and the vast lifestyle created by the world’s most popular horse. Whether you’re a seasoned horse show veteran, a fan of the race track, a backyard horse enthusiast or simply someone dreaming of someday owning a horse, AQHA membership will benefit you in countless ways.

Appaloosa Horse Club
The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) honors the heritage and promotes the future of the Appaloosa horse. Provide services for the benefit of its members which encourage Appaloosa ownership and participation;
Foster growth and membership in the Appaloosa Horse Club through promotion, recognition, advertisement and publicity of the Appaloosa;
Charter a regional, national and international network of clubs or associations and provide support and assistance to them in their efforts to promote the Appaloosa breed.

International Buckskin Horse Association
Our mission at International Buckskin Horse Association is:
To record and preserve the pedigree of Buckskin, Dun, Red Dun, and Grulla horses registered with the Association while maintaining the integrity of the Association.
To provide beneficial services for its members that enhance and encourage ownership of IBHA registered horses and participation in the Association.
To improve the well-being of IBHA horses by establishing safe & humane rules and enforcing such rules. IBHA further supports and embraces the AQHA policy statement regarding the welfare of horses and follows their DISCLAIMER OF RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY regarding IBHA shows or approved events.
To generate growth of IBHA membership throughout the promotion, advertising and publicity of the Association.

Jockey Club
The Jockey Club’s primary responsibility, then and now, is the maintenance of The American Stud Book in a manner that ensures integrity of the breed in the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. The Jockey Club is a founding member of The International Stud Book Committee, which serves to develop and promote the highest standards of stud book operations. The committee aims to safeguard the integrity of the Thoroughbred breed and improve standards to help facilitate international trade, breeding, and racing.

Palomino Horse Breeders of America
The international organization known as the Palomino Horse Breeders of America (PHBA) was formed in 1941 to collect, record, preserve the purity of blood, and improve the breeding of Palomino horses. The original concept began in 1938 due to the efforts of numerous dedicated horsemen and horsewomen.
To record and preserve the pedigree of the Palomino Horse while maintaining the integrity of the breeds.
To provide beneficial services for its members which enhance and encourage Palomino ownership and participation.
To generate growth of PHBA membership via the marketing, promotion, advertising and publicity of the Palomino Horse.

Pinto Horse Association
The Pinto Horse Association® started from a grassroots movement to selectively breed horses for good color and conformation. Several horsemen in the 1930s formed the Pinto Horse® Society with the purpose of breeding superior colored horses. The registry they created is the basis of what is now known as the Pinto Horse Association of America Inc.
It took several years and several more organizations to form today’s PtHA®. Tired of the discrimination Pintos received in the show ring, Kay Heikens, Helen Hammond and other Pinto lovers decided to start a new organization and registry. The determined group finalized their hard work on May 18, 1956, in New Jersey when the PtHA® was incorporated.

Pony of the Americas Club, Inc.
The Pony of the Americas Club, Inc., was founded in 1954 by a Mason City, Iowa, attorney, by the name of Les Boomhower. He saw a need for a “using type” pony for youth. His vision was to create a child’s size mount that was calm, intelligent, versatile, and sturdy enough to last all day. Les thought the Appaloosa type color would make them really stand out, and thus the POA breed was born.