Horse Lookup

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ID Foal Year Sex Name Sire Dam Current Owner Microchip Height
L034642 2005 Stallion Zippy Little Hotrod Chipped In Chocolate Miss Quejanas Jetset Linda Weber
L062097 2000 Gelding Zippy Old Scotch Zippos Old Gold Scotchs King Lady Kaylee Lane Tingle
L034643 2007 Mare Zippydawndodaday Zips Chocolate Chip Seekadawn Deborah Burkhardt-Cotter
L029094 2009 Gelding Zipradical Ziprageous Her Terms R Radical Erika Collins Sterling
L034644 2005 Mare Ziprageous By Five Ziprageous Justa Bit Impressive Donna Kimsey
L034645 2005 Gelding Ziprageous Leaguer Ziprageous Casino League N Lady Mary C Stricker
L026751 2005 Ziprageous Lite Ziprageous Ms Strawberry Walker Kathy Kinney
L001772 2006 Gelding Ziprageous Rascal Ziprageous Razzledazzle Liz Sharon Marshall
L034646 2006 Stallion Zips Always Good Zips Heaven Sent Consider My Assets Roger Seehafer
L034647 2005 Mare Zips American Woman Barpassers Image Zips Pretty Woman Ann Jordan
L034648 2007 Mare Zips Bay B Doll
L001676 2008 Mare Zips Best Chip RL Best Of Sudden Zips Invester Chip Darelyn/Jennifer Bearden
L002503 2009 Gelding Zips Best Guy Impulsions Zipped Tight Donna Morgan
L001721 2008 Mare Zips Blue Kookie Krisies Kookie Zippos Blue Tiger Clarence Baldwin
L064169 2006 Mare Zips Bodacious Babe Zippos Back In Black A Bodacious Babe Laura Jane Dennis
L026773 2008 Mare Zips Bossy Chip UK Mito Boss Suzies Fancy Chip Ellexxah Ireland Maxwell
L034649 2005 Stallion Zips Chocolate Berry Zips Chocolate Chip Zippos Kiloberry Larry Reynolds
L046864 2013 Mare Zips Chocolate Lass Zips Chocolate Chip Bonanza Classy Cloud Rebecca/Sidney Hogan Karr
L026789 2010 Gelding Zips Chocolatey Chip Chocolatey Zip It Up M Terrie or Torie Opelt
L034650 2005 Stallion Zips Classic Chocolate Zips Chocolate Chip Zips Blondie Lisa Stills
L034651 2007 Mare Zips Copper Belle Zips Chocolate Chip Enlesspossibilities A Jean/Jim Pappenheim
L063037 2017 Mare Zips Craving Whiskey Whiskey Zipped Craving Chocolate F Hawkesworth/ G Paulman
L001722 2008 Mare Zips Dynamic Kookie Krisies Kookie Zippin Temptation Rhonda D Bell
L001723 2008 Mare Zips Easy Kookie Krisies Kookie KC Easy Zipper Clarence Baldwin
L026817 2005 Zips Fancy Copy Ziploose N Fancyfree Semoltan Copy Deborah A Beckwith
L026821 2005 Gelding Zips Fancy Talk Sweet Talkin Chip Zippos Fancy Bar Kim Allen
L001677 2007 Mare Zips Flashy Strutter Zips Double Dutch Bos Flashy Strutter Lynn Sowell
L034652 2005 Mare Zips Gabrielle Hot Pretense Zips Pale Moon Colleen M Bennett
L026843 2007 ZIPS GOLDEN LEAGUER Ima Zippin Leaguer Engraved In Gold Alexander Farms
L002431 2009 Stallion Zips Golden Rodder Mr Big Zipper She Is Radical Dennis D Hatch MD
L087297 2020 Gelding Zips Good N Hot Facebook Me Im Hot N Huntin Dawn Marie Papcun
L125362 2006 Gelding Zips Got The Spot Mollys Pardner Zips Bold Sunshine Emilie M Carpenter
L072560 2011 Gelding Zips Heavenly Heathen Hes Justa Heathen Hunting For Heaven Bradley and Amy Breaux
L001301 2006 Gelding Zips Hot Blaze Blazing Hot Zippodorable Julia E Pezold
L034653 2008 Mare Zips Hot Chipin Lady Chipin Promote Punk Rock Jolene Wehling
L001624 2008 Stallion Zips Hot Sensation Zipped Up Sensation Chips Hot Fudge Tonya M Lintner-Sutton
L003752 1996 Gelding Zips Hottest Jet Dont Skip Zip Sheza Hot Impression Taylor Hickam
L053116 2013 Gelding Zips Ice Ice Baby Zippen Scotch N Ice Chocolate Tia Maria Avis Winchester
L064686 1993 Gelding Zips Iron Tiger Preachers Bar Mandy And Me Emma Grace Robosson
L000387 2007 Mare Zips Jubilee Chip Unchippable Call Me Grey Poupon Quita Beagle
L026864 2002 Zips Kaw Chief All Hands On Zip Ima Peppy Upper Lisa Steffel
L077410 2020 Mare Zips Krymsun Rose One Hot Krymsun Azippinchipin Bonnie M Parnau
L063828 2017 Mare Zips Lazy Asset Original Cowboy/The Original Cowboy Zips Kristal Tee Lori / Douglas Gregoire
L005269 2011 Mare Zips Lazy Chic Lazy Loper Susie Social SAH/REE Ventures
L034654 2007 Stallion Zips League Of Cyrus Ima Zippin Leaguer Poppas Jazz Baby Donna B. Fleming
L000324 2007 Mare Zips Like A Million Mr Big Zipper Oh Thats Nice Christopher J Ringer
L002432 2009 Stallion Zips Magic Kookie Krisies Kookie RL Sudden Magic Clarence Baldwin
L029610 2004 Gelding Zips Making You Look Make Me Zip Old Gold Penny Jessica A Gonifas
L003784 2011 Mare Zips Party Crasher Crashed The Party Zip N Zziples Sarah Cronin
L034655 2005 Mare Zips Perfect Chick The Perfect Twist Chika Sasketch Leonard Busby III
L001724 2008 Mare Zips Perfect Kookie Krisies Kookie Picture Perfect Zip Clarence Baldwin
L034656 2012 Stallion Zips Platinum Asset Zips Chocolate Chip Platinum Assets David E or Inez K Smith
L066073 2015 Mare Zips Rage N Rawhide LB ALL THE RAGE rawhides luminous lexy Jessica Drish-Kata
L000917 2005 Mare Zips Ragin Hot Rod Ziprageous Confirmed Pleasure S. Jane Erdy
L046655 2013 Stallion Zips Red Hot Chip Zips Chocolate Chip Howz About Me Noble Handy
L034657 2005 Stallion Zips Rocket Chip Zips Chocolate Chip Royal Lily Rock Kerrin Clenard
L070037 2016 Gelding Zips Rollin Big Time I May Be A Redneck LM Bay Machine Lola R Allen
L026918 2008 Gelding Zips RV Radical Radical Rodder Miss Good Cookie Kristen Wren Lee
L026920 2007 ZIPS SAHARA Ima Zippin Leaguer Impressive Squaw Alexander Farms
L034658 2012 Stallion Zips Scenic Impulse A Scenic Impulse A Sensational Zippo Stanley or Susan Scott LLC
L026931 2009 Mare Zips Silky Lace TE Tyme Zip Woodstock Silk N Lace Debra Tooley
L003713 2006 Gelding Zips Sleepy Sandman Too Sleepy To Zip Echos Zipp Kay Spicer Onofre
L026935 2005 ZIPS SLEEPY ZIP Too Sleepy To Zip Bar Blossom Zip DIANE HUBBARD
L062582 2017 Mare Zips Southern Chip Its A Southern Thing Ima Hotrodder Too Lois Knowlton
L130741 2020 Mare Zips Special Asset One Special Asset Caughtchawatchinme Tracy Lynn Myers
L003591 2003 Gelding Zips Splash Of Art Artful Move Zippin Starrina Natalie Conte
L034659 2005 Mare Zips Starring Chip Zips Chocolate Chip Zippos Starring Lady Tori D. Dunn
L034660 2007 Stallion Zips Sudden Angel A Touch Of Sudden Don? Skipchips Angel Robert S/Sandra L Brown
L044700 2008 Stallion Zips Sudden Chip Krisies Kookie RL Sudden Magic Clarence Baldwin
L002215 2009 Gelding Zips Ultimatum The Ultimate Fancy Zips Azure Belle Jessica L Streit
L063147 2017 Gelding Zips Vanilla Machine Favored By All Chips Lady By Design Marco Mariti
L026964 2006 ZIPS VESTED CHIP Vested Pine Cookie Love Bailey Feddick
L000650 2005 Gelding Zips Western Bar Dress Western Zippy Lady Rose Sally Bannon/Jan Scholfield
L034661 2005 Stallion Zips Winnin Sensation Zippos Sensation Ms Colorful Winner Becky King/Rick Pals
L069181 2005 Mare Zipsa Gold Star Zip Leaguer Skippin N Stars Jeri Lynn Spence
L026977 2008 Gelding Zipschocolateimpulse Zips Chocolate Chip Cotton Top Glo Lee M Reeve
L061673 2016 Gelding Zipsdeluxeimpulse Deluxe Impulse Echo Of A Hollywood Stacey Marie Frank
L050458 2012 Gelding Zipsinvitationtogold Zippos Mr Zip/Mister Zip Invitation To Gold Leena Purontakanen
L057972 2015 Mare Zipsoriginal Cowgirl/Zips Original Cowgirl Original Cowboy/The Original Cowboy Zipunforgettable Keith D or Caroline M Massa
L026982 1999 Gelding Zipstraitoamaze Zippo Strait To You I Be Happy Michelle Mize
L072059 2019 Mare Zipt At Last/Zipped At Last Dont Zip Me Up Realistically Dirty Stacey Marie Frank
L003680 2002 Gelding Zipt With Potential Potential Investment Cant Fool Me Jennifer Gallant
L068948 2011 Gelding Ziptation/Heaven Sent Dillon Zips Heaven Sent Valentine Invitation Kylie Kirby
L034662 2006 Gelding Ziptmotized Dont Skip Zip Call Me Oprah Debra/Dorn Parkinson
L029042 2006 Gelding Zipvitation Invitation Only Elegant Zip Equest
L123216 2018 Gelding Zireael High Shutterfly Ulrieke Alexandra Ireland 528210004867040
L115707 2010 Mare Zirocco Rouge Zirocco Blue VDL Gambade D'Amain Emily Anna Ifko 528210002554071
L052522 2014 Mare Zizzles Hot Dream Im A Platinum Dream Zizzles Hot Impulse Kathy Valentine
L002817 2004 Mare Zizzlin Zippo Pine Chex Zizzling Hot Jet Heather M Hoyt
L033152 2009 Gelding Zizzlin Hot Blazing Hot Zizzles Hot Impulse Megan Cox
L053917 2015 Gelding Zizzlin Hot Chips Extremely Hot Chips Zizzlin Josephine Austin
L048276 2013 Gelding Zizzlin Hot Loper Lazy Loper Zizzlin Leslie Lynn Cochran-Olson
L058304 2016 Gelding Zizzlin Zipcode VS Code Red Zizzlin Heather M Hoyt
L027000 2005 ZIZZLING HOT CHEX Zippo Pine Chex Zizzling Hot Jet William Turley
L068483 2011 Mare Zizzling Invitation Required Invitation Zizzling Hot Jet Inez D Mattke
L138634 2024 Mare Zo Easy Easy On The Eyez Z Fancy Irons Diane L Lane
L051390 2014 Mare Zo U Think Im Hot Hot N Blazing One Kool Mistress Patti J Maple
L103032 2004 Gelding Zoef Celano Tjee Triple R Christine Moody 528210000546310 16.3 1/8
L105655 2012 Gelding Zoinks Colard Ronda Jordan Sachs 981020019576308
L117294 2004 Gelding Zonnekoning C Placido Patroeska C Vivian C Heyer 528210000500769
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