Member Lookup

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ID Name City State Expiration Date Rider Level Status
8761 Lia Ploog Lakeville MN 12/31/23 Open
48041 Lia Rannik Ocala FL 12/31/21 Youth
48546 Lia Screnci Boca Raton FL 12/31/21 Non-Pro
68752 Liam Cuddy Ocala FL 12/31/23 Non-Pro
48832 Liam Dhority Clarksville TN 12/31/21 Youth
61275 Liam Gabriel Leavell Simpsonville KY 12/31/25 Youth
69841 Liam Smallwood 00/00/00 None
70587 Liana Brown Carmel IN 12/31/24 Non-Pro
27727 Liana Caroccio Bakersfield CA 12/31/18 Youth
14849 Liane Cutts Chancellor AL 12/31/95 Non-Pro
33250 Lianie Nash Taylorsville GA 00/00/00 None
53039 Lianna Renee Denney Marlborough MA 12/31/22 Youth
21347 LiAnna Smith Beaverton OR 12/31/07 None
70799 Lianne Haberman 00/00/00 None
27338 Lianne K Graham Winter Garden FL 12/31/21 Non-Pro
71573 Liat Abramove 00/00/00 Open
46568 Libbi Rose Tuschen Columbus WI 12/31/19 None
10197 Libbie L Shell Bow WA 12/31/25 Non-Pro
26751 Libbie Lowry Somers IA 12/31/11 Non-Pro
69466 Libby Ann Sliwa Fishers IN 12/31/22 Youth
27897 Libby Ayers McPherson KS 12/31/25 Non-Pro
1521 Libby Ballenger Westminster MD 12/31/00 None
34146 Libby C Koehl 00/00/00 None
12021 Libby Clark Shelby OH 12/31/13 Non-Pro
14784 Libby Crandell Gore OK 12/31/23 Non-Pro
39347 Libby Faye Wilhelm Prosper TX 12/31/25 Youth
5434 Libby Flores Hollister CA 12/31/11 Non-Pro
48356 Libby Giordano Summit NJ 12/31/22 Open
68106 Libby Griffin Dothan AL 12/31/22 Youth
68901 Libby Herne Mars PA 12/31/22 Youth
42729 Libby Hott Cumming IA 12/31/22 Non-Pro
68366 Libby Magargee 00/00/00 None
50846 Libby McCauley Bozeman MT 12/31/23 Non-Pro
48518 Libby McKinney Viau Orlando FL 12/31/21 Non-Pro
27793 Libby Michaud Wahoo NE 12/31/13 None
48158 Libby Michelle Woodworth Naples FL 12/31/21 Youth
15225 Libby Ritchie Paris KY 12/31/96 None
68365 Libby Robinson 00/00/00 None
27950 Libby Schneider Logan KS 12/31/15 Youth
69842 Libby Smith Waunakee WI 12/31/22 Youth
33642 Libby Starcher Shelby OH 12/31/14 Non-Pro
69502 Libby Thomas Rome GA 12/31/23 Non-Pro
12561 Libby Trucco Delaware OH 12/31/26 Non-Pro
51851 Libby Wehling 00/00/00 None
23517 Libby Williams Haydon Phoenix AZ 12/31/24 Non-Pro
1146 Libby Woodson Manning IA LIFE None
75780 Libby/Holly Moyer Indianapolis IN 12/31/23 None
62915 Liberty Equine Ventures LLC Milton MA 12/31/22 None
39861 Liberty Khazae Goodlettsiville TN 12/31/19 Open
51997 Liberty Miller 00/00/00 None
26353 Liberty Santagata Standish ME 12/31/17 Open
19775 Lickiss Quarter Horses Mount Aukum CA 00/00/00 None
51271 Lida McAllister Spring Branch TX 12/31/22 Non-Pro
76181 Lidia Ottaway Circleville OH 12/31/24 Non-Pro
38775 Lieke Poier Monarch AB 12/31/25 Non-Pro
43952 Lielle Rhodes Wellington FL 12/31/21 Open
52027 Liesel Aschermann Arvada CO 12/31/23 Youth
37124 Liesl De Rocker Hofstade-Aalst O.VL. 12/31/16 Non-Pro
67413 Liesl L Dalpe Windham CT 12/31/24 Non-Pro
39611 Liesl Nowlan Andrews IN 12/31/23 Open
44871 Liezel Van Der Merwe Lebanon OH 12/31/22 Youth
36085 Light Rein LLC Mesa AZ 00/00/00 None
51078 Light Speed Equestrian LLC Ocala FL 12/31/22 None
20369 Lightning Bar Quarter Horses Howell MI 12/31/25 None
605 Lil Peck Manhattan KS LIFE Open
46064 Lila Ann Isaac Cartersville GA 12/31/22 Youth
41459 Lila Anne Kimrey Sanibel FL 12/31/22 Youth
42694 Lila Bruun King City ON 12/31/22 Youth
48902 Lila Florentino Manlius NY 12/31/21 Youth
44448 Lila Galina Koplow Wellington FL 12/31/21 Youth
41151 Lila Gendal Ocala FL 12/31/22 Open
34355 Lila Godwin Dunn NC 00/00/00 None
67760 Lila Grace Jabara Ada MI 12/31/21 Youth
32740 Lila J Owens Winter Park FL 12/31/25 Non-Pro
48563 Lila Jacqueline Gamel St Johns FL 12/31/21 Youth
40580 Lila James Spires Longwood FL 12/31/21 Youth
60120 Lila Schinker Mendon MI 12/31/24 Youth
39362 Lila Seider Cave Creek AZ 12/31/25 Youth
46146 Lilah Hampton San Antonio TX 12/31/22 Youth
67392 Lili Grace Drinkall Milledgeville IL 12/31/25 Youth
68777 Lili Halterman New York NY 12/31/21 Non-Pro
79755 Lilia Etters Issaquah WA 12/31/25 Youth
69066 Lilia Kleikamp Vulcan MI 12/31/21 Youth
36559 Lilian C Woodruff Atlanta GA LIFE Non-Pro
24578 Lilian Fry Axbridge, Somerset 12/31/12 Non-Pro
36600 Lilian King Dayton TX 12/31/27 Open
69322 Liliana Elise Latkovic Chagrin Falls OH 12/31/22 Youth
38554 Liliana Grace Burbee Valparaiso IN 12/31/17 Youth
47105 Liliana Lescun Lafayette IN 12/31/18 Youth
48884 Liliana Moore Santa Rosa Beach FL 12/31/22 Youth
68803 Liliana Morneau Lutz FL 12/31/21 Youth
52568 Liliana Tadla Ft Lauderdale FL 12/31/21 Youth
69044 Lilianna Mae Tucker Carlisle OH 12/31/21 Youth
76199 Lilianna Sanna Dublin OH 12/31/25 Youth
19398 Lilianne Staff Selah WA 00/00/00 None
9936 Lilieth C Lorenzen Roberts Creek BC 12/31/08 Non-Pro
62821 Lilith K Fredrick Fort Wayne IN 12/31/22 Non-Pro
68338 Lilja Pakaslahti Jyväskyiä, Keski-Suomi 12/31/25 Non-Pro
48763 Lilla C Woodham Dothan AL 12/31/21 Youth
76257 Lilla Smith Mount Sterling OH 12/31/24 Youth
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