Member Lookup

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ID Name City State Expiration Date Rider Level Status
43553 Phoenix Horse Farm Citra FL 12/31/21 None
51518 Phoenix Kennedy Ingersoll ON 12/31/22 Youth
70917 Phoenix Oppenheimer 00/00/00 None
63640 Phoenix Rain Hurt Johnson Creek WI 12/31/23 Youth
46711 Phylis B Richard Kaplan LA 12/31/23 Non-Pro
48760 Phyllis Bragg Averett Rougemont NC 12/31/23 Non-Pro
4532 Phyllis Burchett Social Circle GA 12/31/03 Open
14564 Phyllis Campbell Colorado Springs CO 12/31/95 None
14141 Phyllis E Tyner Honeoye Falls NY 12/31/94 Non-Pro
4376 Phyllis Frost, DVM Waverly IA 12/31/16 Non-Pro
68939 Phyllis Harlow Goshen OH 12/31/21 Non-Pro
8197 Phyllis Hoyer Frankfort IN 12/31/10 Non-Pro
8560 Phyllis J Miller Eaton NY 12/31/05 Non-Pro
35402 Phyllis J Rosendahl West Des Moines IA 00/00/00 None
9189 Phyllis Kirby Summerfield FL 12/31/24 Non-Pro
25273 Phyllis Lind Plantation FL 12/31/24 Non-Pro
34767 Phyllis Mead Onondaga MI 00/00/00 None
25624 Phyllis Murath Howell NJ 12/31/13 Non-Pro
24599 Phyllis Osborne Nocona TX 12/31/09 None
38467 Phyllis Renee Holt Woodburn OR 12/31/17 None
5194 Phyllis Starkey Goodrich MI 12/31/03 Non-Pro
66119 Phyllis Starskey 00/00/00 None
3487 Phyllis Steffen Cedar Falls IA 12/31/25 Non-Pro
10093 Phyllis Tarter Mooresville IN 12/31/22 Non-Pro
3445 Phyllis Tracy Colorado Springs Co 12/31/02 None
13445 Phyllis Tucker Union MI 12/31/91 None
1764 Phyllis Yanz Inner Grove Heights MN 12/31/00 None
16089 Phyllis Young Milan NM 12/31/97 None
35321 Phyllis/Thia Baboval Cromwell CT 00/00/00 None
66118 Pia Johannson 00/00/00 None
12560 Pia Leskinen Kulho 12/31/25 Non-Pro
76140 Pia Schorno Gisikon 12/31/23 Non-Pro
60205 Pia Stoklund Kalundborg Zealand DK 12/31/19 None
36087 Pickard Hanson Show Horses Byron MI 00/00/00 None
31923 Pickard Quarter Horses Micanopy FL 00/00/00 Open
8148 Pickard Recchiuti Imlay City MI 12/31/05 None
49992 Pickford Ranching Lloydminster AB 12/31/23 None
70227 Picturesque Farm 00/00/00 None
50210 Piedmont Equine Madison GA 00/00/00 None
41085 Pierce Jenkins Atlanta GA 12/31/21 Non-Pro
52496 Pierce Parks Hamilton TX 12/31/21 Youth
42610 Pierce Wilson Charleston SC 12/31/21 Youth
1152 Pierre Briere Frenchtown NJ LIFE Open
6107 Pierre Ouellet Chezeneuve 12/31/24 Open
76754 Pierre Pre Bibost 12/31/25 Open
48180 Pierson Eleanor DeSeta Miami FL 12/31/22 Youth
67091 Pilar Bravo Indianapolis IN 12/31/22 Youth
71364 Pilar Fernandez Greenwich CT 12/31/22 Youth
52864 Pilar Ojeda Waxhaw NC 12/31/22 Youth
63744 Pilot Knob Stud Reddick FL 00/00/00
67431 Pine Bar Cornerstone Foundation Trust East Windsor Hill CT 00/00/00 None
71469 Pine Hollow Farm Wellington FL 12/31/22 None
11399 Pine Interest LLC North Judson IN 12/31/08 None
3472 Pine Lake Equestrian Center, New Springfield OH 12/31/02 None
36120 Pine Meadow Quarter Horses LLC Alachua FL 00/00/00 None
26532 Pine Ridge Quarter Horses LLC Columbus OH 12/31/11 None
6343 Pine Rise Farm Inc. London OH 12/31/04 None
2342 Pine Valley Farms Zanesville OH 12/31/01 None
19242 Pine Valley Good Version Inc Springboro OH 00/00/00 None
53788 Pineland Plantation Proper LLC North Charleston SC 12/31/26 None
42380 Pinetree Farms Inc Newnan GA 12/31/22 None
34620 Pinewood Stables Incorporated 00/00/00 None
33698 Pinnacle Quarter Horses LLC Grove City OH 12/31/26 None
426 Pinto Horse Assoc Bethany OK 00/00/00 None
43100 Pipedream Sporthorses LLC Chapel Hill NC 12/31/21 None
60706 Piper / Brown Partnership Strathmore CA 12/31/26 None
33109 Piper Anderson West Fargo ND 12/31/27 Non-Pro
45330 Piper Anderson Pepper Pike OH 12/31/22 Youth
53847 Piper Bynum Amite LA 12/31/24 Youth
46934 Piper Cassandra Budrow Gilroy CA 12/31/15 Youth
49951 Piper Emmerson Blythe Dublin OH 12/31/21 Youth
70823 Piper Gray 00/00/00 None
71052 Piper Harris Culpeper VA 12/31/22 Youth
79640 Piper I Anderson Bend OR 12/31/24
41291 Piper Joan Sam Eden NY 12/31/22 Youth
40476 Piper Julia Klemm Hartford CT LIFE Non-Pro
49055 Piper Keller El Reno OK 12/31/25 Youth
38620 Piper Leigh Hammond Mount Juliet TN 12/31/17 Non-Pro
52090 Piper MacKinnon Auburn CA 12/31/23 Youth
47170 Piper Manley Arcadia OH 12/31/16 Youth
53508 Piper Nichols Wright City MO 12/31/25 Youth
27234 Piper Performance Horses Sunbury OH LIFE None
63218 Piper Rae Warren Kiowa CO 12/31/23 Youth
41245 Piper Snyder Warrenton VA 12/31/23 Youth
75639 Piper T Wagner Perrysburg OH 12/31/25 Youth
48026 Piper Van Tassel St Johns FL 12/31/21 Youth
42485 Piper Wise Tallahassee FL 12/31/22 Youth
41802 Pippa Chelsea Worden Ocala FL 12/31/22 Youth
40799 Pippa Spingler Morriston FL 12/31/22 Youth
68336 Pirjo Maria Marjanen 00/00/00 Non-Pro
75726 Pittman and Parrish 00/00/00
71047 PJ Unlimited Inc Frankfort IL 12/31/22 None
61051 PK Kelley 00/00/00 Non-Pro
71630 Plain Bay Sales Wellington FL 12/31/22 None
70401 Plain Dealing Farm Scottsville VA 12/31/22 None
46123 Platinum Life LLC Louisa VA 12/31/22 None
31008 Platinum Trust San Antonio TX 12/31/15 None
31643 PLB Investments LLC Tucson AZ 12/31/26 None
48574 PLC Farm Austin TX 00/00/00 None
22710 Plemmons Family Investment Marshall TX 12/31/08 None
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