Member Lookup

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ID Name City State Expiration Date Rider Level Status
36750 Savannah McPhillips Ocala FL 12/31/22 Youth
76792 Savannah Morello Brocton NY 12/31/24 Youth
69143 Savannah Mortman Northlake TX 12/31/24 Youth
69957 Savannah Needham 00/00/00 None
29602 Savannah Nicole Grizzaffe Plant City FL 12/31/13 Youth
67732 Savannah Nicole Unger Morriston FL 12/31/22 Non-Pro
43832 Savannah Paulson Olympia WA 12/31/21 Youth
30079 Savannah Phillipps Fort Thomas KY 12/31/17 Youth
72142 Savannah Proutt 00/00/00 Open
39332 Savannah R Morris Little Falls NY 12/31/18 Youth
35946 Savannah Relick Vero Beach FL 12/31/19 Youth
61743 Savannah Riley 00/00/00 Youth
39813 Savannah Roby Elizabethtown KY 12/31/22 Youth
53733 Savannah Rose Brukardt Cave Creek AZ 12/31/23 Non-Pro
27049 Savannah Scott Issaquah WA 00/00/00 Youth
20922 Savannah Scott/Lauri Shaffer Issaquah WA 12/31/07 None
42127 Savannah Show Stables LLC Morriston FL 12/31/22 None
51820 Savannah Shultz 00/00/00 None
44324 Savannah Silvester Nashville TN 12/31/21 Youth
22543 Savannah Slusarski Columbus NE 12/31/17 Non-Pro
70455 Savannah Stewart 00/00/00 None
45147 Savannah Sylvester 00/00/00 None
29904 Savannah Trehus Littleton CO 12/31/13 Non-Pro
67085 Savannah Vaughn Creston OH 12/31/22 Youth
71021 Savannah Victoria Embly Lexington KY 12/31/22 Youth
36816 Savannah/Arron Carter/Kief Cherryfield ME 00/00/00 None
26238 Savannah/Laurie Scott Issaquah WA 00/00/00 None
24664 Savannas Horse World Inc Ocala FL 12/31/11 None
71000 Savoy Stables Littleton CO 12/31/22 None
45148 Sawyer Fischetti 00/00/00 None
40213 Sawyer K Byers Cheney KS 12/31/24 Youth
28062 Sawyer Smith Templeton CA 12/31/14 Youth
49424 Sayda A Canizares Jordanville NY 12/31/22 Non-Pro
19348 Saylise Schroeder Bloomsburg PA 00/00/00 None
53123 Saylor Gross West Palm Beach FL 12/31/22 Youth
53768 Saylor Schwandt Whitesboro TX 12/31/24 Youth
40633 SBS Farms Inc Buffalo NY LIFE None
69342 SC Equiventures LLC Wellington FL 12/31/22 None
25057 Scarlet Victoria Fernandez Powder Springs GA 12/31/11 Youth
49007 Scarlett Cross Carmel IN 12/31/21 Youth
3510 Scarlett Gourley McMeen Bon Aqua TN 12/31/21 Non-Pro
40554 Scarlett Hamaoui Windermere FL 12/31/21 Youth
60493 Scarlett Jackson Walnut Cove NC 00/00/00 None
23587 Scarlett Jones Murfreesboro TN 12/31/11 Non-Pro
53863 Scarlett Katafiasz Tioga TX 12/31/24 Youth
62902 Scarlett Kathryn Yana Naples FL 12/31/22 Youth
51921 Scarlett Keane 00/00/00 None
45726 Scarlett Knull Manakin Sabot VA 12/31/22 Youth
1782 Scarlett Michael Xenia OH 12/31/21 Non-Pro
37324 Scarlett Southwick Lake Geneva WI 12/31/21 Youth
51306 Scarlette Robles Lumberton NJ 12/31/22 Youth
57969 Scattered Spruce Ag Services Ltd Hairy Hill 12/31/24 None
40725 Scheben Farms LLC Southgate KY 12/31/21 None
69958 Scheherazade Schultz 00/00/00 None
68427 Schelly Bankston Newcastle OK 00/00/00 None
1621 Schneider Saddlery Co., Inc Chagrin Falls OH 12/31/00 None
45022 Schoen Equestrian LLC Loxahatchee FL 00/00/00 None
23869 Schroeder/Rinkenberger Gainesville TX 12/31/08 None
29439 Schroeder/Row 00/00/00 None
5596 Schroeder/Thompson Gainesville TX 12/31/04 None
20507 Schroeder/Wilhite Gainesville TX 12/31/09 None
30736 Schroeder/Yamber Gainesville TX 00/00/00 None
79616 Schultz Show Horses/Chuck Briggs West Bend WI 12/31/25 None
39232 Schuster Family Trust 00/00/00 None
41522 Schuyler Catherine Dayner Odessa FL 12/31/22 Youth
43310 Schuyler Riley Wellington FL 12/31/21 Open
59853 Schwab Charitable San Francisco CA 00/00/00 None
34715 Scion Farms At Hartford LLC Croton OH 00/00/00 None
70433 Scofield Enterprises LLC 00/00/00 None
8361 Scot Kyle Bon Aqua TN 12/31/22 Open
72073 Scot Williams Erie CO 12/31/24 Non-Pro
43416 Scotlynn Haw Stratton ON 12/31/22 Non-Pro
50261 Scott & Andrea Rowland Ansonia OH 00/00/00 None
46594 Scott & D'Lynn Jones Millsap TX 12/31/25 None
35993 Scott & Jennifer Suggs Pilot Point TX 12/31/15 None
52671 Scott & Kelley Meyer Collinsville OK 12/31/22 None
31393 Scott & Melissa Izon Calgary AB 12/31/13 None
67135 Scott A Baumgartner Weatherford TX 12/31/24 Non-Pro
5226 Scott A Creed Waterloo IL 12/31/18 Non-Pro
35007 Scott A Davis North Ridgeville OH 00/00/00 None
9587 Scott A Flick Mc Comb OH 12/31/13 Non-Pro
33092 Scott A Kesney Ocala FL 12/31/23 Open
12054 Scott A Merritt Lincoln NE 12/31/25 Open
52662 Scott A Meyer Collinsville OK 12/31/22 Non-Pro
17121 Scott A Rush Ashland OH 12/31/98 Non-Pro
24993 Scott A Snoke Forest OH LIFE None
24536 Scott Adcock Raeford NC 12/31/09 Non-Pro
25075 Scott Adcock or Barbara J Adcock Raeford NC 12/31/24 None
37268 Scott Alan Fuller St. James MN 12/31/20 Non-Pro
27286 Scott Alan Hilbert Abbottstown PA 12/31/11 None
9529 Scott Allen Jones Boerne TX LIFE Open
9167 Scott Allen Reinartz Crossroads TX 12/31/25 Non-Pro
33780 Scott Allen Zwiefel Roberts WI 00/00/00 None
46585 Scott Ambrose Huntsville AL 12/31/23 Non-Pro
75589 Scott and Ashley Warren Robinson TX 12/31/22 None
52343 Scott and Janelle Louwagie Cottonwood MN 12/31/21 None
76921 Scott and Kellie Morris Durham NC 12/31/25 None
24161 Scott and Kristie Lundgren Scott City KS 12/31/24 None
11431 Scott and Linda Berwick Clarence Creek ON 12/31/24 None
46537 Scott and Marilyn Henry Seguin TX 12/31/23 None
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